Thursday, October 29, 2009


Like Obama I and millions of others have a vision for peace and fail to do anything about it. Only our vision includes recognising that Hamas was democratically elected by its people. It includes acknowledgement that blockading these voters in an open prison and subjecting them to human rights and war crimes is not right nor peace-loving. At the very least it does not mean opposing the Goldstone report on the Gaza war at the United Nations.

Our vision means that we will give up interfering in South America. We will stop undermining governments democratically elected by their people. We will not support disaffected wealthy elites. We will stop building bases all over the world. We will not extend war-making in the Middle East. We will stop demonising other world figures and other countries. Instead we will stand up to the psychos leading our own country by the nose. We will treat Israel with discrimination. We will stop thinking so well of ourselves, that we the United States are somehow special and not subject to international law. We are just another country. We will look after the people in our own country properly, and this will peacefully help people in other countries.

A prominent New Zealand commentator has described Obama as a big fat disappointment. His vision of peace continues the Bush vision, only with a very charming smile upon the face of the tiger.

Does the corrupt and outrageous nature of this award mean that I can anticipate the Nobel Prize for Literature being won by Obama’s speechmakers?


When Osama bin Laden’s messages to the world appeared it annoyed me that the media fixated upon two things: was this message genuine? plus one or two statements from the message which sounded suitably inflammatory. Where could I read the complete messages for myself and come to my own understanding and conclusions about this man and what he had to say. If I cannot trust my political leaders over Middle East wars or global economic affairs, I certainly have no reason to trust what they have to repeat about this particular individual.

I found a publication called “Messages to the world: the statements of Osama bin Laden”, published in 2005 by Verso, and edited by Bruce Lawrence. These statements cover the period from 1994 to 2004 when he lived in Sudan, Khurasan and Afghanistan and include the events of 9/11 and the wars against Afghanistan and Iraq.

Let us get 9/11 out of the way. Does he take responsibility for it? Apparently not. As time passes he becomes more ambiguous, but initially it seems clear enough that he has no planning role in the operation. He applauds the actions of those who undertake it. For it is about time that America begins to feel the pain.

What kind of a person emerges? Do I respect him? Well, compared to Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Blair and Obama, yes, I do. He is intelligent and uses his intelligence to understand and articulate the predicament Muslims find themselves in. He is reasonable and tries to make us see this predicament and the response to it. He is obviously courageous in his response to the predicament: in resistance, in battle and in breaking ranks and criticising corrupt Arab governments. He possesses a genuine spiritual mana – and this is a key factor.

It is the profound lack of spiritual knowledge and stature in his adversaries which fills Osama bin Laden with contempt. We are once again the crusading barbarians who invade the more civilised world of Islam.

Even if I drop the word “invade” and just speak of an increasingly aggressive Western interference in the Middle East over a long period of time, this poses a problem for any conscious Muslim. If you are unconscious, then no problem. But if you are conscious you have two choices, no matter how you pretend otherwise: resist or collaborate. Without having to put our lives on the line yet, we have the same choice.

Osama bin Laden is no socialist. He will not become an icon for youth in the West like Che Guevara, but he is nevertheless the resistance icon of our time. The foe is the same. It does not help that youth of the West are the product of forty more years of education in conformity and unconsciousness. How free-minded we seemed to be in 1968!

So a good deal of Osama bin Laden’s messages contain increasingly severe criticism of Muslim collaborators. These may be the rulers who ineffectually protest US/Israeli aggression while secretly allowing use of their territory, and effectively doing nothing. They include the official Muslim scholars in high places who make religious pronouncements of appeasement in the name of peace. They include the Palestinian Authority which does nothing while its people are forced out of their homes or are having to fight for their lives and land as the apartheid Wall goes up.

For bin Laden there is no peace without justice and freedom from foreign oppression. (To use an idiot phrase, it’s not rocket science, is it?) But it is the kind of obvious thing that he wants us to see and accept. The kind of obvious thing that our media, full of educated people, does not want to report.

A primary point that Osama bin Laden wishes to make is this: people from overseas come to our lands and terrorise us with interference, control and massacre, and if we resist they call us terrorists. American (and Israeli) military kill and mutilate civilians with sophisticated weaponry in any Muslim land they choose, and this is the initial terrorism. He asks the question: what, for example, has Australia, way down in the south of the world, got to do with Afghanistan?

When I last saw a programme about our own New Zealand troops in Afghanistan, I had to stop and try to remember why we were there. Oh yes, we were pretending to be helpful. But this has now moved on. Someone in a Muslim country blows up a hotel for the rich and the free which includes a New Zealander among the victims. The New Zealand prime minister states that such a random outcome gives New Zealand reason to increase its commitment to Afghanistan. How can you deal with such a man?

The main document, in my view, which ought to be required reading, is the letter To The Americans of October 6 2002. In this Osama bin Laden explains why he is fighting, and he describes the sick nature of American civilization, and in doing so indicates the remedies. It is guaranteed to enrage the materialistic liberal and humanist. And this is why in the West we have a liberal defence of the murder being pursued in Muslim countries. Our Left and Right divisions have become one.

I do not like spirituality which transfers into institutional religious fundamentalism. It is medieval in any country. However, there appears to be only one way in which the West can gain the respect of genuine leaders in the East and the acceptance of the people of the East; and that is by having a more “spiritual” civilization.

Unfortunately, what Osama bin Laden says today about America and its allies is all too true. We are a civilization “which does not understand the language of manners and principles” and we refuse to reflect upon why 9/11 happened (or could have happened). If Americans could become a people of manners and principles “you may be freed from the self-deception that you are a great nation, the self-deception your leaders spread amongst you to conceal from you the despicable state that you have reached”.


Cliché words and phrases seem to infect the population at any one period of time. We in New Zealand have had such cliches in recent decades.

In the 80s the iconic phrase was No Way. It came in with Rogernomics. Just about everyone said it, many with a peremptory manner equivalent to saying Fuck Off. As it happened it epitomised the whole decade. No Way are we going to discuss the issues. No Way is there an alternative way of looking at things.

Then we had the 90s and many a Window of Opportunity. Some people are still seeing them, whereas No Way went out with pork-chop sideburns. This half-baked figure of speech is supremely indicative of that decade of half-baked managerial enforcement. A decade of unpredictable irrationality.

Now we have Absolutely in our current dying decade. Absolutely as in Yes, or That’s right, or a nod of the head. What does this portend? Is this the decade of determined reassurance?


I try hard not to think about things, to turn my back on what is happening, cover my head and hope for the best. I can see this is what many young people do and I feel sorry for them. They know matters are just too bad to face. I live my suburban life, I grow my vegetables, I go shopping, I try to read books which are not going to upset me, and most of all I only get my news from Television New Zealand.

There is simply nothing better than TVNZ news to keep me coddled and insulated from reality. Coalition of evil? Gaza? They simply do not exist. An attractive middle class Iranian woman is shot dead by an agent of a repressive regime. Axis of evil. TVNZ shows it over more than one evening. (And only 7 minutes of international news per evening) A Palestinian woman is shot dead on her own land by an agent of a repressive regime. It never happened.

Then I go and blow it. I look something up on the internet and discover what I fear: wickedness is continuing out there. The Israelis turn away a ship destined for Gaza with medicine and toys. No government of the coalition of evil does a thing or says a word. (Not TVNZ news either) Having performed a revised 2009 version of Guernica in front of the world it is business as usual for Israel. The wickedness and the evil of the civilisation I live in, a civilisation of pre-emptive strikes against civilian populations, fills me with disgust and shame.

The United States is so wedded to its own good opinion that it will dismantle its domestic base in order to pursue global power. Having driven the Muslim world into resistance it already begins to blame that world for the consequences. The U.S. is driven by fear and sentimentality, and both lead to insanity.

And Israel seems perfectly happy to be the match for global conflagration. Is this because the traumatised child grown up is going to take it out on all of us? Or is it because Israel is too full of people with a shameless ethnic superiority which they will insist upon until the bitter end?
Perhaps it is a mixture of both. Israel has been practicing both for decades against the
Palestinians with malicious spitefulness ........................................................................... forgive me, it is nearly time for me to go back to sleep for a while. I need some hack television journalism, to hear the sweet inanities of Simon Dallow and Wendy Petrie, to listen to the inconsequential splutter of Mark Sainsbury, and to wallow in the earnest emptiness of sports news ..................................................