This article appeared in Haaretz to mark Israel's book week. She is refreshing in her no-nonsense descriptions of the Israeli "situation". She speaks without baggage, ethnic or religious. Just a straight seeing novelist and poet with an independent mind.
The Shadow over Israel is not the Palestinians. It is Israel's treatment of the Palestinians, and the fear and self-pity this engenders in many Israelis. It is tempting to think Wow! There is some awareness here. But ten minutes later it hits home Oops! Hang on a minute. Does this not sound like a Woody Allen movie?
There is no motivation or impulse to go beyond the personal angst, apparently. We do not hear or see significant demonstrations by Israelis against the apartheid nature of their state, or the atrocious behaviour of their army. The appalling power of their state mechanisms deters them, as it does not deter Free Gaza flotilla humanitarians.
There are no American Jewish activists in large numbers as there were during the Vietnam War, or on any issue then and now besides the issue of Israel. The Shadow that is Israel. There are just a few brave and wonderful Jewish individuals in and out of Israel who are beacons of humanity in the world.
Margaret Atwood spoke of a country in trouble when it feels the need to ban the likes of Noam Chomsky. She spoke to my heart when she referred to the vindictive pettiness of Israeli domination over the Palestinians. On the one hand killing children in Gaza and aid-bringers on boats, but on the other forbidding writing paper or pizza.